In 1998-2000, there were the dark ages for traditional market. Â "Pasar becek", "warung", and groceries are bleeding because the ekspansi of modern market. Â In the beginning modern market, define as hypermarket, like Makro, Carefour, Giant, Hero, etc. But its differentiate become minimart. Â Its made most of traditional market share were taken by Alfamart, and Indomart. Â Its very sad moment for me and family who run groceries. Â For the picture, in early opened, the store revenue in peak time can reach Rp. 1.000.000,- in 1995, but in year 2005, its only Rp. 300.000,-. We bought groceries from Makro in 1995=1996, with Rp. 300.000,- can fulfill three "kereta belanja", but in 2005, its only can fit half of it. Â Inflation and high price, make traditional market more squeezed the size and number.
I use traditional market as David, because some reason the capital is very small, Dont have Public Campain, and not fulfill 4Ps marketing theory. Attack from modern market, such as promo event, price cut, the beginning like fire for traditional market.  But know between modern market and traditional mareket reach new equilibirum. They are mutualism symbiosis. When selling target not achieved to end user customer, modern market flooded the goods to traditional market. Nowdays, its become back fire for modern market.  They compete with their own brand to  achieve the target and used it smartly by traditional market to get "good price".
Modern market, like it or not dont have personal touch. Â That why the David still surviving today. Â "Warung" have personal touch from the owner that differentiated with other store, despite it modern or traditional market. Â Human touch, make store have "soul", and customer as human, has soul too. Â That the reason why, they still have customer despite were attacking by other store, big, small, or giant like Goliath.
Today, the Titan or Goliath are fighting each other, same or different  brand.  Store has target from company, stock holder, etc.  They must achieve growth target, with the assumption of people growth.  One things that they dont realize, there is GOD destiny, "Rejeki Tuhan Yang Atur".  That my mother believe and written in my holly book.  And I seen and stiill see the phenomena.  One small store, more than 20 years, still survive, without 4Ps rules, and don't have computer software, don't have stock management, don't have accounting and finance principles, but still can survive. I used term "survive" because the store still open, and have customers.  Compare to Titan, like Giant, Lotte, Hypermart, Alfamart, and Indomart,  traditional market are nothings.  But they still can survive, selling, buying goods and run their business, fulfill family need. Amazingly, traditional debt more more below modern market.
Next question, why they just survive not success? Its because we don't reach a harmony.  Imagine, Indonesia with the power of differentiation, like language, tribe, custom,  people, and so on "move" in one direction and commando.  Its difficult, but I believe it is possible. We don't have the formula yet! Its like making a symphony orchestra for Bach "Badinerie" song. So many music tools, people, etc to be manage and arrange. Definitely, its not an instant, need process, practice, and practice to make the symphony have soul, meaning, and entertain the audience. If traditional market have "legowo", join hand in hand, in one harmony, I belive, its can reach the power of "UMKM" to take the rule the of government, have vote power, and so on. GOD will with people with patient, consistent, and have simple vision. That in the "UMKM" mind!  They just think how to feed their family, nothing  more..
The next question, why we still under the South East Asian countries that they have minimum natural resources. Â In economic potention calculation, it suppose to Indonesia the number one economic power in South East Asian Countries. But the fact say different. Â In my opinion, because in most Indonesian leader paradigm, process is second, first is result. Please, with my humble mind, GOD create universe in six days! Its process. Its mean that GOD who create human as the perfecto creature, very appreciate PROCESS. Is it because human greediness, political parties, local leader, or may be national leader forget how GOD create them in the term process in their mother uterus, 9 month 10 days? Â Its already nature law that always has process in any kind creation, include human hand creation. Process require time and patient, but less energy and effort rather than "karbit". Its require more energy when "karbit" happen. But the result is out of control because to many parameter have to be controlled, which beyond human capabilities. Its nature, GOD rule, not human rule.
Our family store still open. Dont have debt in bank. We can provide our basic need. Bills are payed. So, what the indicator of survive or success for "warung" that we've been opening since 1995? We win! We don't have debt! Who is the CEO? My mother!...the touch of "yatim" mother whose children can enter top universities in Indonesia, such as Food Technology, IPB; Psychology UI; and MIPA UI with GPA above 3.00 scale 4.00. She is our David, that salvation of our life and success nowdays.
Lets we process oriented, manage the process, and let GOD will work on it. Â Who knows, its the best for us, despite very different with the original goal...cheeers...
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