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Shipwreck of the Passenger Vessel KMP Jaganatra in the Sunda Strait

12 Desember 2024   17:06 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2024   17:06 19
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Shipwreck of the Passenger Vessel KMP Jaganatra in the Sunda Strait

On a fateful day, the passenger vessel KMP Jaganatra, operating within the Sunda Strait, encountered a devastating incident that shook the maritime community. The Sunda Strait, a vital shipping route connecting the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean, has long been recognized as a region prone to maritime accidents due to its complex geography and intense maritime traffic. (Prastyasari & Shinoda, 2020) (Pinahayu et al., 2022)

The Sunda Strait is situated between the islands of Java and Sumatra, and its waters are influenced by the homogenization of the Java Sea and Indian Ocean, resulting in a dynamic and unique marine environment. (Takarina et al., 2018)
This interconnection of water masses can positively impact the overall water quality, leading to increased nutrient levels, chlorophyll, phytoplankton, and suspended solids, which in turn support the region's diverse marine life and fisheries. (Takarina et al., 2018)
However, the Sunda Strait's geographic complexity and high traffic density also pose significant challenges to maritime safety.
The incident involving the KMP Jaganatra underscores the need for comprehensive measures to enhance navigational safety and emergency response capabilities within the Sunda Strait. (Prastyasari & Shinoda, 2020)

The application of Traffic Separation Schemes has been identified as a crucial strategy to mitigate the risk of collisions and groundings in the region. (Ronaboyd et al., 2019)

As Indonesia continues to designate and implement TSS, it is essential to ensure that the proposals are thoroughly evaluated and recommendations are made to the International Maritime Organization for adoption. (Ronaboyd et al., 2019)
Additionally, the utilization of advanced technologies, such as GPS and near-miss detection systems, can play a pivotal role in improving maritime safety and reducing the likelihood of similar incidents in the future. (Quintania et al., 2021) (Prastyasari & Shinoda, 2020)

As the maritime industry navigates these challenges, it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of both passengers and crew, as well as the protection of the fragile marine environment within the Sunda Strait.
The incident involving the KMP Jaganatra highlights the need for stricter safety regulations and enforcement measures within the Sunda Strait. Additionally, the utilization of advanced technologies, such as GPS and near-miss detection systems, can play a pivotal role in improving maritime safety and reducing the likelihood of similar incidents in the future. (Quintania et al., 2021) (Prastyasari & Shinoda, 2020)

As the maritime industry navigates these challenges, it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of both passengers and crew, as well as the protection of the fragile marine environment within the Sunda Strait.

Furthermore, the marginalization of traditional "Pelayaran-Rakyat" or people's shipping in Indonesia due to the operation of modern vessels and accompanying policies is another issue that requires attention. (Quintania et al., 2021)
The preservation of this cultural heritage and the integration of traditional knowledge with modern technological advancements could contribute to a more sustainable and equitable maritime transportation system in the region.

In conclusion, the tragic incident involving the KMP Jaganatra in the Sunda Strait underscores the importance of comprehensive maritime safety measures, the utilization of advanced technologies, and the balance between modern and traditional shipping practices. By addressing these challenges, the maritime community can work towards enhancing the safety and sustainability of transportation within the Sunda Strait, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of both people and the environment.

The incident involving the KMP Jaganatra has highlighted several critical issues that need to be addressed in the Sunda Strait region. Firstly, the complex geography and high traffic density of the Sunda Strait make it particularly prone to maritime accidents, emphasizing the need for robust navigational safety measures. (Prastyasari & Shinoda, 2020) (Pinahayu et al., 2022)
The implementation of Traffic Separation Schemes has been identified as a crucial strategy to mitigate the risk of collisions and groundings, but the process of designating and implementing TSS requires thorough evaluation and coordination with the International Maritime Organization. (Ronaboyd et al., 2019)

Secondly, the utilization of advanced technologies, such as GPS and near-miss detection systems, can play a pivotal role in improving maritime safety and reducing the likelihood of similar incidents in the future. (Quintania et al., 2021) (Prastyasari & Shinoda, 2020)

Pinahayu, S., Sobaruddin, D. P., & Putra, D. (2022). Pemanfaatan Data Hidrografi Dalam Penentuan Traffic Separation Scheme di Selat Karimata. In S. Pinahayu, D. P. Sobaruddin, & D. Putra, Jurnal Chart Datum (Vol. 8, Issue 1, p. 31).

Prastyasari, F. I., & Shinoda, T. (2020). Near Miss Detection for Encountering Ships in Sunda Strait. In F. I. Prastyasari & T. Shinoda, IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 557, Issue 1, p. 12039). IOP Publishing.

Quintania, M., Faturachman, D., Husain, T., Pasupati, B., & Taufik, A. (2021). Utilization of GPS Technology in The Maritime Sector on Motor Sailing Yachts. In M. Quintania, D. Faturachman, T. Husain, B. Pasupati, & A. Taufik, IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 698, Issue 1, p. 12039). IOP Publishing.

Ronaboyd, I., Puspoayu, E. S., Nugroho, A., & Hikmah, N. (2019). Indonesian Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS): A Legal Discourse Analysis about Sailing Permits. In I. Ronaboyd, E. S. Puspoayu, A. Nugroho, & N. Hikmah, Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019).

Takarina, N. D., Sutiana, A., & Nurhudah, M. (2018). Study of water parameter related to catches of small pelagic fishes at Pandeglang waters, Banten. In N. D. Takarina, A. Sutiana, & M. Nurhudah, AIP conference proceedings (Vol. 2023, p. 20173). American Institute of Physics.

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