Overall, the delay in the completion of the infrastructure in Nusantara presents both challenges and opportunities
for the government. The government must continue to work towards the timely completion of the necessary
infrastructure in Nusantara while also addressing the environmental and public service challenges in Jakarta.
In addition, the government must also consider the economic and political implications of the capital relocation.
The economic implications of the capital relocation are significant. The relocation of the capital from Jakarta to
Nusantara will have a significant impact on the distribution of economic activities and investments in the country
(Azhar et al., 2020). The government must ensure that the relocation process does not disrupt the economic
activities and investments in Jakarta, and that the new capital is able to attract new investments and economic activities to support its development (Azhar et al., 2020).
The political implications of the capital relocation are also significant. The relocation of the capital from Jakarta to Nusantara will have a significant impact on the power dynamics within the government and the distribution of political influence (Haryanti, 2022). The government must ensure that the relocation process does not disrupt the political stability of the country and that the new capital is able to effectively support the functions of the government.
In conclusion, the delay in the completion of the infrastructure in Nusantara presents both challenges and opportunities for the government. The government must continue to work towards the timely completion of the necessary infrastructure in Nusantara while also addressing the environmental and public service challenges in Jakarta.
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