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Don't Talk too Much... (A Simple and Accurate Explanation about The Accident of Reactor Nuclear in Fukushima)

17 Maret 2011   05:08 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   07:43 259
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[caption id="attachment_95522" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Boilingwater"][/caption]

Many people from outside Japan talked too much about the accident of reactor nuclear in Fukushima. So many news sound ugly, not only from television but also from newspaper and internet, especially from outside Japan. They talked too much, make some people worry about that. It is like 'hyperbola'.

The accident of reactor nuclear in Fukushima because of tsunami and earthquake did not give effect to other country. Just only local effect, around Fukushima for 20 km to 30 km. So, if we live in Saitama, Tokyo, Niigata, Chiba, Shizuoka, Yamanashi etc, we don't worry about that. Our area is safe now.

If you want to know about the accident of reactor nuclear in Fukushima, please read the link below. There is a simple explanation about that. So, don't worry about the radiation because of the accident in fukushima. It was small radiation and just for local area.

Click this information :  and also here

Now, I am still doing my research in my laboratory and also  seminar as usual. Everything is ok..!!!... We just take care ourself. We can use mask if we go outside. Just only make us safe. So, please be calm and keep yourself....

*My deep condolences to Japan... by: imma.w.a. Sakura-ku, Saitama-shi Japan

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