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Taufan Satyadharma
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Can I Feel My Love?

21 November 2020   13:29 Diperbarui: 21 November 2020   13:32 86
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Even if I die, I can never love me
When the condition for loving is knowing love
I slashed this body in all directions
I pick up all the pain that is scattered in the universe
Just to know me
I who are deep in the depths of the heart
The one hiding behind your fear

Even if I die, I can never love me
When the condition for loving is knowing love
I slashed this body in all directions
I pick up all the pain that is scattered in the universe
Just to know me
I who are deep in the depths of the heart
The one hiding behind your fear

Even if I die, I can never love me
When the condition for loving is knowing love
I slashed this body in all directions
I pick up all the pain that is scattered in the universe
Just to know me
I who are deep in the depths of the heart
The one hiding behind your fear


24 Juni 2018

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