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Learning Management System (LSM)

1 Januari 2022   11:07 Diperbarui: 1 Januari 2022   11:11 208
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Learning Management Systems (LMS)

1. Introduction

            Learning management system (LMS) is software designed to create, distribute, and organize the delivery of learning content. The significance to the advancements of web-based technologies is the development of powerful software systems, known as learning management systems (LMS), have become a widely-used technology and a key instrument in supporting e-learning in higher educational institutions. As LMS offers numerous benefits to individuals and institutions. Students can access course materials independent of time and location. Significantly, it opens up fresh potentials for initiating academic innovations where students function as dynamic, control their own learning, develop critical thinking and become collaborative participants. In addition, LMS provides an automated mechanism for teachers in the management of online courses, allowing them to create, add, modify, customize, and reuse digital content and learning objects and tracking learner progress. From the student or learner perspective, the LMS provides personalized access to assigned course materials, messaging and notifications, and access to scores and transcripts.

E-learning is a new education concept by using the Internet technology, it deliveries the digital content, provides a learner-orient environment for the teachers and students. In connection to this e- learning we connect Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training content.

2. Experience using LMS

            In this digital era, online learning methods are becoming increasingly popular in the world of education, in fact many bring benefits to learners and also teachers. Approximately two years undergoing an online learning system, so that the activity seems normal we feel and receive it well. As a result of the online learning system, students are certainly required to be able to learn independently and have initiative in developing all their potential and insights. This online college system that has been running has many limitations, but there are no other options. Learning from home is certainly not the same when on campus. Campus is indeed provided as a place to learn, socialize and organize to develop all potential. But if the house is not like that. The home environment will be faced with a lot of work. Both the work inside the house itself and the work of helping parents outside the home.

3. The advantages of LMS

An LMS allows flexibility of access from anywhere with internet accessand.

Easily accessible

Simply using a smartphone or other technological device such as a laptop connected to the internet you can already access the material you want to learn.

A LMS can support content in many formats, e.g., multimedia, video, andtext. Which will support more varied and interestinglearning.

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