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Ilmu Sosbud

The Effectiveness of Songs in Increasing Vocabulary on An English Learner

21 Desember 2023   00:06 Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2023   00:21 101
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1. Listening

Song is one of the best media to improve listening skills. By listening to English songs repeatedly, we will get used to listening to words in English. Listening to songs is also an activity that many people like in their daily activities. This can certainly improve listening skills in learning English.

2. Vocabulary

If you often listen to English songs, especially listening and singing the same song repeatedly, the lyrics will stick inside your head without you realising it. By remembering and understanding the meaning of the English song lyrics that we heard and sung, it will help us identify and recognise the meaning of the vocabulary in the song. This process makes it easier for English learners to expand their vocabulary knowledge.

3. Pronunciation

Song play a very important role in helping students to improve their pronunciation. By singing and reciting the lyrics of an English song, we are inadvertently practising the correct pronunciation of the lyrics. That's why songs can help us practice pronunciation.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that songs are very influential in one's English skills, because songs exist in every human life. In addition, songs are also easy to understand and memorize. One of the advantage of using songs for English learners is their flexibility. Songs can also be a useful tool in the learning of vocabulary, sentence structure, and sentence patterns (Murphey, 1992). Perhaps the greatest benefit of using songs in increasing vocabulary is that songs can be fun.


This study focused on the use of songs in increasing vocabulary for English learner. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of songs in vocabulary learning and their role in facilitating understanding and mastery of vocabulary by listening and singing a song. Learning through listening and singing a song can be acquired through popular songs. By using favourite songs, it can help to store information in long-term memory. Music can help to overcome difficulties in remembering vocabulary because music has the property of sticking in the head, which can be referred to as the song-stuck -in -my-head phenomenon. (Medina, 1993 as cited in Alipour,Gorjian and Zafari, 2012). When a song sticks in one's head, it is difficult to get rid of it.

In this research, the effectiveness of songs can be seen from the result of this study. Songs contributes many things to increasing vocabulary for English learner. Based on research findings, the researcher found that songs are very influential in increasing vocabulary and improving English language skills. Since people consider listening to songs as a good technique for learning a foreign language, in order to know the content of the songs, they read and translate the lyrics themselves. Furthermore, they learn new words subconsciously, which is similar to learning. Learning through songs is a good way to memorize vocabulary because the lyrics are sung repeatedly and the catchy melody helps to remember the lyrics. Song is accessible from anywhere and anytime so that everyone can took the benefit of it.  


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