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Tamara Palupi
Tamara Palupi Mohon Tunggu... Wiraswasta - owner of God's given so called positive vibes

i'm all about social media, internet, passion, sharing, living a life, architect, interior, decoration, graphic, color, travelling and writing for sure.




How to express "agree" ?

14 Agustus 2011   03:35 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:48 73
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My article would simply give you an alternative on how to say "agree" in a different and sometimes a polite way. It would be useful when you have a formal conversation with your colleague, someone whom you need to honor more, your teacher, professor, reply a formal letter, etc. Here they are :

"My belief is that the aforementioned person speaks the truth."

"I would like to express my full approval of your offer."

"I must say that his writing displays exactly the same sentiments that I was thinking."

"I could not have said it any better, I agree to the fullest with said quote."

"Were this post a golf hole that would be a whole in one, I whole heartedly agree."

"There is a strong possibility that you are correct."

source : this forum thread

If you got something to discuss about english, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Let's learn more together!

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