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Tamara Palupi
Tamara Palupi Mohon Tunggu... owner of God's given so called positive vibes

i'm all about social media, internet, passion, sharing, living a life, architect, interior, decoration, graphic, color, travelling and writing for sure.




"How to Stay Creative?" - A New Supplement

8 Agustus 2012   04:43 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   02:06 187
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During my lunch break yesterday I challenged myself to do 10 quick doodles within 10 minutes.

First attempt inspired by yesterday's google doodle.  Cannot make as perfect as on the screen because I have to do it quick :p #excuse

Second attempt inspired by what appeared on my screen, there was a pair of eyes that looked very sharp  attracted me the most, so basically the main focus of this drawing is the eyes. Next! - would be the palm indicating "Don't stop!" - let's go to the fourth page.

Actually the fourth page still linked to the previous "Don't stop".  If you remember, the sign "stop" itself mostly attached to that octagonal shape.  But this time I give the twist and fill the shape with "Love".  What does it means? please try to find the answer yourself ;)

What about the fifth? A couple dancing under the stars related to previous "love" idea.  I didn't know why the first image that appear on my mind was the dancing couple.  Maybe because I love to dance in pairs.

For this sixth ideas, I give google a keyword - (honestly I forgot what word was that) and suddenly this cutie from Monster inc appeared.  Really want to cheer her up and say "Hey happy, ok" and hug her :)

Seventh concept popped up after the idea to cheered Boo up.  There will always hope in every sadness that you feel, so...what represents hope?  Basically I feel the need to ask only to The Almighty God.  That's why I try to represent the idea with the hand gazed upward. Hope! Yes hope.  Then what can we draw next?

Hope will be meaningful if you add "smile" in it.  Keep on hoping, smile and let God do the rest - concept for my eighth doodle. you still remember pop art-artwork that wide spreaded during Obama's first champaign? Still remember the only word attached there? Yes, that was "hope", that's why my 9th doodle concept inspired by the poster.  At first I want to draw obama but here's the fun in this game, you can put any twist you want and let the observer guessing.  I twisted with the headphone and give a stamp "Who?"

Finally here's the tenth quick doodle.  When I stamped "who" for the ninth concept, I cannot think another words than "WHO" - World Health Organization.  This time google help me once again, I try to quick doodle WHO's logo and challenge is done, feel relieved.

Have you ever try to do such challenge to yourself like this? Or maybe another challenge with the different way such as try new ways to your office, try to analize how many white shirts inside your wardrobe, etc etc. Have you? myself first familiar with that kind of "brainstorming" since I've read one book.  One book that regularly change my point of view about being creative, so named - "Oh My Goodness: Buku Pintar Seorang Creative Junkies.” (“A Smart Book by Creative Junkies”).  For you who haven't read it, I simply can say that this book will give us the way to "train" one's creativity.

Since being one of the loyal reader of CJ (yes I read this book more than 4 times within two years) I always trying to practice a little "training" for my brain.  The previous challenge is also included.  It helps to trigger our way of thinking to link one word, one thing, one case to another words, things and even solutions.

Another thing is, its cover approch the  reader in a personal way.  CJ's reader can easily customize the book's cover by adding some colors and drawing like I did.  I put drawing of myself (with my ex bf) surrounded by "rockstars" starred in CJ's cover.  And when i think about that day back then, maybe there's a little (or maybe huge :p) wishes inside my heart that I do wan't to be there also in the CJ's cover.  Maybe that's the reason why I drew neither the objects I want nor anything else but myself.  That just maybe until October last year when I received an email from Yoris Sebastian himself that he planned to features me in his upcoming extended version books! Wow...that was so...dreams come true!

And now here it in the front page of CJ's updated version!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Very curious about the added content that Yoris will give us! "]

[/caption] Huge thanks to Yoris for this big honor and congratulation for the newest book.  And for you guys out there who often feel the writer's block, designer's block or creativity's block I suggest you to read Creative Junkies.  Like I previously mentioned in this writing, such simple practice for your brain might help you to achieve more creativity and see more possibilities.  Then probably you will also make Yoris feels content just by saying "I feel more creative now because I have read Creative Junkies." - go read CJ, do the tips and tweet him at @yoris ;)

Be careful what you wished for and stay creative! ;) @ikitamara

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