Pertanyaan "This or That" adalah cara yang mengasikan unutk berinteraksi dengan orang lain.
Religiopreneur is an entrepreneurial concept that integrates religious values with business practices.
Hi, guys! We are from the Banana group from NK 2, so here are the 3 things that we were grateful for.
3 things that i’m grateful in my life
First,i greatful have a family which is compact,and funny,because that does not make i feel stressed,and i always get support from them.
A:afraid of the fact that i am studying english literature ,because i don't speak english
Ini adalah puisi rangkaian rifa yang ditulis sendiri. puisi ini menggambarkan keadaan Sumatera Barat yang sedakarang sedang berduka karena bencana
Why should society attend parenting classes before having children?
What comes to mind when you hear the word bullying?
That student that's got issues, ADD that student is that dibbling, dabbling with some things that they shouldn't be
Ways that can be done to overcome various common problems related to hair health. Including hair loss, dry hair and hair dandruff.
So how to overcame that stigma? Well first we need to tackle the factors that are stated above. We can make studying English an enjoyable
The collaboration activity between two UNISA students and Mbokemplok MSMEs again held a second meeting.
Happiness is unconditional. Happiness can just pop up and disappear
The sky reminds me of you. Laugh that comes from you, I missed it.
Mengulik ke Relevanannya Pancasila sebagai Ideologi Bangsa Indonesia (Exploring the Relevance of Pancasila as the Ideology of the Indonesian Nation)
Global warming is one of the topics that are still warmly discussed in various print and electronic media. Al Gore said that "The warnings about globa