Surya Pradana Invites Youth to Fight Injustice
Surya Pradana Recommend Gen Z to Fight for Make Indonesia Great Again
Surya Pradana Advice Gen Z to Arm The Younger Generation With Artificial Intelligence
Inspire Your Heart With Art Day, Surya Pradana Suggest Gen Z to Create More Works of Art
Surya Pradana Invites Gen Alpha to Love Product Made by Indonesian
Surya Pradana Encourage Gen Z to Support UMKM
Surya Pradana Encourage Gen Z to Develop "Jamu" Local Herbal
Surya Pradana Hopes Gen Z Will Become Fighters For Justice
Surya Pradana Invites Gen Alpha Learn Survival Skill
Surya Pradana Encourages Gen Z Collaborate On Hydroponics & Robotics
Surya Pradana Hopes Gen Z Marks Minister Who Are Arrogant & Reckless In Making Public Decisions
Surya Pradana Invites Gen Z to Highlight Ministers Who Are Wasteful & Spend a Lot of State Budget
Surya Pradana Invites Gen Alpha to Maximize The Potential of Rare Earth Elements
Surya Pradana Encourages Gen Z to Highlight The Increase In The Wealth of People's Representatives
Surya Pradana Hopes the House of Representatives Will Not Misuse Recess Funds
Surya Pradana Invites Gen Z to Research Great Giant Sea Wall
Tritura Day, Surya Pradana's Call for Younger Generations to Study Tritura's History
Surya Pradana Invites Gen Z to Plant Hydroponic Chilies
Surya Pradana Motivates Gen Z to Love Domestics Products
Surya Pradana Encouraged Gen Z Maximize The Potential of PNBP (Non-Tax State Revenue) & Hibah (Grants)