a guy got a hollow in his throat because of smoke!
There is no good reason to smoke. Smoking has negative and positive impacts on our life, but it has more negative than positive impacts
Kumpulan Fakta Dampak Rokok dalam Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia oleh Ngabila Salama
The dangers of smoking for health are not only for smokers but for people around them because of the effects of cigarette smoke.
World COPD Day 2022 " Your Lungs for Life": Know the causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Its Impact on Lung Health
Why do teenagers smoke? Teens smoke due to their bad surroundings, their friends, or other factors.
Vapor atau yang dikenal sebagai rokok elektronik kini merupakan sebuah pilihan sebagai pengganti rokok oleh sebagian perokok. Bahkan vapor telah menja
Pada setiap tanggal 10 Oktober 2014, dunia memperingati "World Mental Healthy Day", yang merupakan hari untuk kesehatan mental pendidikan, kesadaran
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="(illustration: formatobif.blogspot.com)"][/caption] Have you ever in a situation where some
si tembakau bercerita.. di suatu sore.. tembakau bercerita padaku di sebuah stasiun.. dia berkata, "cukup kau gulung aku dalam sehelai kertas,
The brown lady dressed in black and white so soft and tender slim and sexy advert in tube and big board so soft and lovely **** Lots
[caption id="attachment_99517" align="alignright" width="228" caption="Obama smokes/from steynian.wordpress.com"][/caption] Only healthy people smok