Hai i am mery , i'm a student of management stami program akuntansi and management indonesia pematang siantar .I really want to do these thing when th
New normal is hotly discussed right now, both at the global and domestic levels. New normal needs to be welcomed because the co-19 pandemic has change
Covid-19 has made many changes in all fields. This change is certainly positive and negative. Positive Impact I learned to have a healthy lifestyle, d
Introduction :Hi, I'm Vanesa Berlien, a student of management study program in Sekolah Tinggi Akuntasi dan Manajemen Indonesia Pematangsiantar. I'm fr
Hello everybody my name is Juan. I am a student of management study program Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi dan Manajemen Indonesia (STAMI) Pematangsiantar.
Covid-19 started from Wuhan and spread to other countries including Indonesia. Covid-19 that lasted so far has had an impact on all people both
In the current global era, there will be more developments happening in this country. Starting from free trade, more and more foreign companies stand