Hysteria subject eternally prompts me to lecture psychoanalysis of mine, whom, jokingly stated on his first class that no human beings are normal. I
Diskusi tentang kaum hawa selalu menjadi topik yang menarik, unik, tak ada habisnya dan meninggalkan misteri. Tidak heran kalau kaum para pelahir bibi
Anda normal-normal saja, sudah berbahagia --- syukur ! Dengan keadaan normal saja, anda baru memakai kapasitas otak anda, hanya 5 persen ( yang lain l
Recently my blog has been visited by lovely readers namely, Babeh Helmi and Rosiy. I should continue to write about the theory of knowledge as Babeh H
You might still remember with my previous posting in regard to parapraxes. In my previous posting I accounted slight information, included its instanc
It is so grateful that I am finally able to survive and writing something again on this fabulous blog’s society. I intended to write about a story in
Have you ever intended to say one thing, but you say another instead? Or you rewrite something unconsciously. Or you may wrongly hear something to wha