Potensi pasar karbon Indonesia mencapai lebih dari Rp3.000 triliun. Pasar karbon dapat mendukung pendanaan komitmen aksi iklim Indonesia.
Surabaya, Indonesia's second largest city, is facing increasingly intense heat, a phenomenon that can be closely linked to global climate change
That day, at least 1 kg of plastic waste is prevented from becoming microplastic pollution (if the waste management is done properly).
Environmental pollution is a complex problem caused by many factors.
Polusi udara adalah masalah serius yang tidak bisa diabaikan. Dampaknya terasa pada kesehatan manusia, lingkungan, dan ekonomi.
Men break free from toxic masculinity, tackle toxic air for healthy skin. Learn how to defy norms & achieve clear skin in Jakarta's polluted air
Synthetic fiber is cheap, durable and resourceful, so, what’s wrong?
Indonesia, negara yang kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati dan sumber daya air, menghadapi tantangan serius dalam hal polusi air
What is Pollution? Pollution involves the introduction of harmful substances or materials that are typically dirty and lethal.
From what we know, pollution is a substance that is harmful to our environment.
pollution is the introduction of harmful chemicals into the area or environment
What is Air Pollution & How Does It Destroy the Earth?
Pollution, Climate Change, What is it affecting?
Noise Pollution (Polusi Suara) merupakan salah satu jenis polusi yang kurang populer akan tetapi memiliki dampak yang sangat buruk.
What can Microplastic affect in human lives
At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, many hoped that it will disappear and all activities will go back to normal. Many theories were put forward
Harari (2015) menyatakan dalam Homo Deus bahwa tiga agenda teratas umat manusia—peperangan, wabah, dan kelaparan—masih akan tetap berada pada posisi y
In the era moment this Enviroment Pollution,constitute problem the serious be faced by society. Without they realize it activity daily,they can contam
Oleh:Musdhalifah & M.Nasrul Umam Mahasiswa Institut Pesantren Matholi'ul falahIn the era moment this Enviroment Pollution,constitute problem
By the changing of times, people in the world are increasing. Followed by the newest technology that they had made, they are unconscious if they are m