Sharifa Annisa_20230510069_L_AIK 2_Politic Nepotism in Islam Perspective
This essay explores the complex relationship between Islam, identity politics, and pluralism.
Korban kejahatan konflik antara Palestina dan Israel tidak lagi pandang mata, mulai dari warga sip, anak-anak, perempuan, sampai pasien rumah sakit.
Food is the primary need for every creature in this world, including humans. However, human greed often results in losses, including food.....
Money politic adalah praktik di mana para kandidat atau partai politik menggunakan dana finansial mereka untuk mempengaruhi pilihan warga
UN Launches Ambitious Program to Tackle War Crimes Worldwide
An interview about an International Relations lecturer's perspective on the federated state of New Caledonia.
Dulunya Gen Z cenderung apatis terhadap dunia politik, namun saat ini mereka lebih peduli bahkan sangat antusias dalam pemilu 2024 kemarin.
Peran Liga Arab dalam Konflik Bernegara. Konflik antara Israel dan Palestina telah berlangsung sejak lama bahkan dari sebelum hadirnya persenjataan
Mari ikut menjadi pribadi yang sadar akan negatif money politic
A Small Country That Is Rich In Petroleum and Natural Gas
"If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else's expense, then you have no right to complain when…
Social media certainly play a role in the 2024 general election.
Dia lebih suka blusukan ke rumah warga. Sembari menyeduh kopi, dia mulai bercerita tentang dampak buruk Money Politic.
Let the tale unfold, of this first lady unkind a cautionary verse to the power-blind
for justice and truth, we stand as onein a world where the battle has just begunin the halls of power
Politic succession tepat menggambarkan kondisi Indonesia
Behind the crimson veil of dusk's embrace lies an unquenchable thirst, a relentless chase
power tends to corrupt, so they say a truth that's held from yesterday
Everything related to social media, then can be called political marketing