On some days, I sit with my thoughts, journal about what’s bothering me, or even meditate. It’s surprising how much clarity you can get when you just
Sebenarnya generasi stroberi itu apa sih? pastinya setiap warga net bertanya-tanya sebenarnya istilah ini istilah lama atau memang kita yang baru tau
Behaviorist theory, as articulated by B.F. Skinner (1953), explains learning as a process shaped by cause-and-effect relationships between stimuli and
Education is more than just imparting knowledge—it’s about shaping minds and empowering futures.
I'm not writing this because I have applied for a scholarship. I'm just writing this to complete my final assignment for this third term.
Menjadi manusia yang produktif bukan berarti menjadi manusia yang sibuk.
Gen Z adalah generasi yang membawa potensi besar ke dunia kerja.
True happiness isn't found in perfect circumstances but in our ability to create beauty within.
A lie cannot possibly nest in a rational and wise soul, it will stick to a hypocrite until there is no trace of the truth except a little.
Money is not an object that can invite arrogance in every human being, but a heart that tends to arrogance is the cause of every damage.
how friendship have a good impact in your life, how you can make such a mutually beneficial in friendship as humans social being, and how you keep it.
Learning English should be done from an early age, because the benefits are so many.
How to Master an English Language and Arts in this Era
Three Things to Be Grateful For In Life; Healthiness, Education, and Support from Families, Relatives, and Friends.
the struggle of a student to continue studying at college
Will Lina be able to maintain her motivation and continue moving forward in her recovery process?
Hukum kehidupan adalah masing-masing individu memiliki garis takdir yang berbeda-beda. Rezeki yang berbeda-beda. Kita tak harus menyamakannya....
Perekrut kini lebih melihat kemampuan belajar yang cepat dan progresif dari Fresh Graduate. Apakah kamu termasuk salah satunya?
Discover how this unique language style shapes Generation Z's communication and enriches their language skills.
Pernah gak diantara kalian ada yang memiliki pertanyaan kayak gitu untuk diri sendiri? Merasa cukup berantakan saat ini, semangat yang terus menurun