The cause for such a disaster was purely manmade as both palm oil companies and farmers would use traditional methods of burning to clear the land fro
by Muhklas Setiabudi Indonesia’s haze issue has been the buzz word in news and political circuits ever since the black smog from the country&rsq
" Sedih itu, saat kita tahu ada masalah, dan tak tahu bagaimana memperbaikinya..... " Setiap tahun salah satu pulau besar di Indonesia selalu b
Introduction Transboundary Haze Pollution (THP) is a wicked problem that remains unsettled in the Association of South East Asia Nation (ASEAN) agenda
Menjejakkan kaki di dunia politik sejak usia belasan tahun. Mengecap pendidikan di banyak disiplin ilmu lain selain Hukum. Dari ribuan jam kiprahnya y