When someone mentions "grammar" in learning English, what is the initial thought or image that pops into your mind? Perhaps, its significance in terms
Grammar is boring? No! It is fun! Perhaps it is the way you used that unexciting.
The article shows that learning grammar on TikTok can be fun and quick, but it's important to verify content accuarcy.
Grammar is essential in writing! Grammar ensures clarity, professionalism, and connection with the reader. Good grammar creates good writing.
Normally, people are familiar with writing. After all, we encounter them every single day. Students are always tasked with assignments that require th
Is it true that using grammar is important for communication?
Did you know that movies can make learning fun? In this article, we will discuss how you can improve your grammar through some of your favorite movie
This article aims to provide an understanding of phrasal verbs by examining their definition and their application in English communication.
Language is humans' most important communication tool since it allows us to express our emotions, thoughts, and ideas. Language enables us to interact
Who else thinks that learning grammar is difficult? But what if I told you that there are some charms in grammar?
In today’s digital era, social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have become more than just spaces for entertainment. They’re also becoming to
Not a few of the people who learn English think that grammar is difficult to understand. Grammar takes time to master, it requires patience and consis
Grammar affects communication process. However communication still can occur even when the grammar is imperfect.
Learn how informal language affects academic writing and professionalism in every paper you write. Upgrade your skills to meet formal writing standard
Interjections in English Grammar are usually overlooked by most of people when it comes to learning Part of Speech in Structural Grammar.
Have you ever seen a funny or embarrassing grammar blunders on social media that leave you shaking your head?
Imagine sending an email or job application with a simple typo that costs you the opportunity. Or worse, misinterpreting a message because of a missin
Tenses are one of the most important elements in story writing. Tenses play an important role in directing the story line.
Grammar refers to the study of how words can alter their forms and how they can be arranged to create sentences in a particular language (Harmer, 2001
Master grammar and meaning with transitivity! Unlock student potential through simple examples and engaging teaching strategies.