Reading two books written by God
A good rhyming poem indeed, but what does it mean by saying ‘the Kasidi of mind’? Is that a symphony of thought’? It can be … hehehe … it can be …
In the Embrace of Your Light. A beautiful poem about the power of God
A poem about human's life in God's hand
Gusti Allah SWT benar-benar menghadirkan Keajaiban. Ini benar-benar Ada , saya buktinya
God is Colorfull? Lagu "Aku Berwarna" adalah lagu yang diciptakan oleh Michelle Gabriella Lastri bersama dengan rekan kelasnya, yaitu Reja Wardana.
Discover the resilience of Gaza's children in Leni Marlina's *Sailing Through Gaza's Sands*. T
In the veranda of time, a melody sweetly flows, tracing tales from childhood to youth, then adulthood in a neat row,
Manusia adalah GOD; Pencipta: Generator (G), Pemelihara/Operator (O); dan penghancur/Destructor (D) agama - agama atau the study of religions merupakan jurusan asing yang terdengar dikalangan akademisi…
“You believe that there is one God. Good for you! The devils also believe that, and they tremble with fear.” (James 2:19)
Albert adalah salah satu pendoa yang berharap pada God Nika, Dirinya selalu mencari harapan pada God Nika
"Your progress is toward God, if it is the progress of the community. Your self is not for yourself." - Muhammad Iqbal
Another simple English poem to make your day, thank you for reading
The power of god _ simple to make your life happy and enjoy
Tuhan tidak mati dan tetap bersama setiap orang. Tuhan sangat menghargai kehendak bebas setiap orang.
O my GodI do not understood Why everyone leaves You?
tell about the human relationship with God and how they deals with it
life and death is not your business, he is the one who created you and exterminate you
In order to conquer the world, shouldn't l persuade the owner?