Penggunaan slang bahasa inggris tentunya sudah sering kita jumpai, atau bahkan kita sendiri sering menggunakannya
Dunia kini lebih terhubung dari sebelumnya berkat globalisasi. Lantas apa itu globalisasi? Apa saja dampak-dampaknya?
Komunisme Bertemu Kapitalisme: Rahasia Booming Ekonomi China?
Islam, from the 7th century BC, influences politics and culture in Muslim-majority nations, shaping governance, justice, and economy.
Globalization and Transnational Organized Crime, What we must do and don't to prevent from the crime issue?
Pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap perilaku dan keputusan manajerial. Tantangan dan peluang dalam mendorong perilaku etis dan tanggung jawab sosial.
Dalam era globalisasi ini, kompleksitas fenomena aliran ekonomi global semakin menarik perhatian, terutama karena fokus
It was well written that globalization bring you prosperity. But this piece really show you that it is not. The world still in anarchial structure!
Indonesia saat ini sedang ramai memperbincangkan terkait larangan thrifting. Apa itu thrifting?
Benarkah kemiskinan menjadi salah satu penyebab dari adanya globalisasi?
Is it good using social media in globalization era? What is the benefit of using social media?
Globalization has had a big impact on our lives, with both positive and negative impacts. So, what must we do ?
The phenomenon and emergence of globalization has changed the way people lives these days.
Culture is simply interpreted as values that are related to art, which it is indeed an art of a life guidance that are passed down from generations.
In this globalization era, trade and technology become unseperable. How effective is the collaboration between these two?
Berisikan tentang perbedaan globalisasi menurut kaum globalis dan kaum skeptis.
With the intrnt which is classified as a human right, it will be easier for humans who are members of the community group to fulfill their basic needs
Globalization is often seen as a contested term. The discourse of globalization as a unique and a new term has emerged in western traditions (Sen 2002
Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Negara United State of America, yang menjadi 'kiblat' dari semua mediadalam penyampaian komunikasinya. Hiburan ( film, pro
Globalisasi adalah suatu fenomena dalam peradaban manusia yang bergerak terus dalam masyarakat global. Kehadiran teknologi informasi dan teknologi kom