Kok bisa seperti itu? Hal itu dikarenakan adanya kasasi yang diajukan oleh JPU Martha Berliana Tobing yang dikabulkan oleh hakim agung di Mahkamah Agu
When all effort has been tried but seems do not work, so the last thing to do is to arouse the sence of humanity (conscience) those who are given the
Then started from August 2010, Anand Krishna has been doing the hearing process at South Jakarta District Court where he collapsed in 16 March 2011 be
So we know that, the allegations of sexual harassment toward Anand Krishna is only as an entry point to silence his vision and mission to uphold plur
During the hearing that started from August 2010, no evidence found that he did thing against the law. He is purely innocent, but he got an unfair and
Support from friends of this peace leader who always speaks up about the unity of Indonesia is coming from various parts of the city to keep fighting
Anand Krishna considered that his being thrown into prison since March 9, 2011 is really inappropriate because it was done in the middle of the trial
Dengan berbagai cara diusahakan oleh orang-orang tersebut guna memberhentikan apa yang beliau suarakan. Kali ini sungguh terlalu dengan lelucon yang t
Konon, di dunia ini hanya ada 3 hal yang dengan 3 hal ini saja, kita dapat mencelakakan seorang manusia, baik dia rakyat biasa, pejabat, dokter, tokoh