Poem about flood and hope . Amidst the chaos of a relentless flood, hope and resilience shine through in this poignant poem.
Special morning greeting from Minangkabau Land to the World
The poem which is specially dedicated to the victims of natural disaster
JUDULAnalisis Curah Hujan Yang Sangat Tinggi Mengakibatkan Sebagian Daerah Kabupaten Balangan Terdampak Banjir, Penelitian Ini Menggunakan Teknik Peng
Tears of Earth. A sad but beautiful poem about flood disaster
In Minang's heart, where mountains rise, Galodo's fury paints the skies.
Kita Semakin Dipaksakan Akrab dengan Banjir
Well, in the literature (as i know what i learned in the University), the study of economic starts with a simple st
Banjir lagi, banjir lagi, dan banjir lagi ... Macet lagi, macet lagi, macet lagi ... Pohon rubuh, pohon rubuh, pohon rubuh lagi ... Jembatan rubuh, je
Flood is one of natural disasters that frequently hits Indonesia , particularly Jakarta. It makes every street , houses , and other public facilities
Meski jaman silih berganti, pemimpin terus berubah, tapi banjir terus melanda ibukota... Berbagai macam solusi sudah diupayakan untuk mencegah ban
Flood. Dear flood. What seemed to happen in Jakarta 'every 5 years' has somehow become an 'annual disaster'. We arrived in Jakarta in March 2012
Pada umumnya orang sering menyatakan kondisi iklim sama saja dengan kondisi cuaca, padahal kedua istilah tersebut adalah suatu kondisi yang tidak sama
Ada apa dengan jutaan paus biru di kota Bangkok? Bukankah santer berita yang terdengar Bangkok sedang dilanda banjir besar? Ya, memang bukan paus biru
Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) is a satellite that observes precipitation distribution from 403 km above the earth with the orbital incl