Seorang anak perempuan yang memperjuangkan kebenaran dan keadilan demi membersihkan nama ayahnya
Kisah Eminem, Tak Semua Anak Broken Home Jadi Broken Life. Tiap orang punya pilihan untuk sukses atau terus terpuruk.
A poem about the sadness of Palestinian children in camp sites during winter
Poem about flood and hope . Amidst the chaos of a relentless flood, hope and resilience shine through in this poignant poem.
Fenomena "fatherless" atau ketiadaan figur ayah dalam kehidupan anak merupakan isu yang semakin banyak mendapat perhatian
Saat ini Indonesia diramaikan dengan topik 'fatherless' dimana kondisi ini ayah ada di kehidupan anak namun tidak dengan perannya
Aku boleh sibuk, terbang setinggi bintang. Tapi aku tetap harus meluangkan waktu dengan anak.
The poem The Man I Used to Call "Dad" tells the story of a child who loves his father very much. In this poem he describes how great his father is.
Aku sekarang sudah.. ehem hem hem, sudah harus kau panggil father, pokoknya fahter eh father
Someone I admire the most is my Dad. He’s 44 now and he lives in our home at Kudus. He’s very kind and heartwarming.
This is a poem about the father who has gone, the poem that I have made based on my experience in my life.
For a while, my world flashed upon those white strings, dancing above the tears of losing you
Kali ini saya akan menulis seeorang yang menjadi pendamping hidup ibuku, ya dia ayahku. Sosok pemimpin di keluarga kami.
Bapakku adalah orang asli Pacitan. Beliau lahir di keluarga yang sangat sederhana di pelosok tengah pegunungan.
When you're in your 60s, you may think that you can only grow old from then, when in reality you can still grow up, just like my father.
Private.DocTwo people united with an entity called Love, yep, that's how a marriage usually begin with, and that's how my parents meet and I was born&
Puisi oleh: Nur Yuniati Ayu PertiwiAyah...Seseorang yang tak banyak bicaraSeseorang yang tak pernah berkeluh kesahSeseorang yang selalu diam ketika ma
"Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary", Gerard Way. From that quotes we know that anyone can be a hero. In my mind, my hero is
A family is the most important thing in my life. Like another people, I also have a wise, kind, and caring father. My father is my inspiration to keep