Aric Wisnu Maulana *exercise makes you healthy*Assertion: yesPro1.Increase body endurance2.strengthens joints and muscles3.relieve depression and
Living a healthy lifestyle is very important in order to prevent being prone to various disease and to live a prosper life.
Meanwhile, I listened while enjoying the chicken soup. The rice wasn't too soft, but it balanced well with the savory chicken soup, so it was somewhat
This article discusses small things that have a big impact
Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Mainy people ignore the importance of exercise in their daily lives.
SENASI merupakan singkatan dari senam anti hipertensi. Senam anti hipertensi merupakan suatu metode yang digunakan untuk mencegah penyakit hipertensi.
Although obesity and overweight may commonly be found all over the world, these diseases can also cause a higher risk of death.
Picture exercise (Source: from the University of Health Sciences conducted a comprehensive study on the effects
Melakukan pemanasan sebelum berolahraga dapat membantu tubuh agar lebih siap untuk melakukan seluruh rangkaian gerakan dalam olahraga.
Regular exercise boosts productivity, cognitive function, and mental health. Studies prove it. Learn how exercise can improve your life in this articl
Running in the morning
Exercise is a natural way of maintaining health and preventing disease.
Exercising regularly is very helpful and has so many advantages in out life.
Welcome bulan ramadhan, bulan yang diberkahi dan bulan penuh keselamatan.
Pandemi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) yang melanda dunia berdampak langsung kepada kesehatan (health) dan kebugaran (fitness) karena pembat
Doing exercise equals healthy body. That is the common view etched into people’s mind. With that thought in mind, exercise is associated with physical
Memiliki berat badan (ideal) termasuk resolusi tahun baru yang populer. Harapannya setiap tahun seseorang bisa memiliki tubuh seperti gitar bagi
Perhaps less obvious is the positive impact gardening can have on your mental health. Research has shown that gardeners generally have greater life sa
Hidup di tengah kesibukan yang luar biasa tidak membuat Anda selalau berada pada mood yang baik. Banyak hal di lingkungan sosial Anda yang dapat membu