Emotions play a central role in human life. They influence how we think, behave, and interact with the world around us.
Bukan kah semua emosi itu penting? Lantas mengapa yang boleh divalidasi dan dirayakan hanya yang positif saja?
The importance of discussing the influence of live music on emotions cannot be denied. Live music has the ability to evoke various types of emotions.
Love has been called many things---a feeling, an emotion, a force---but one thing is certain: it is the leader we all must follow.
Empty. Aku hanya tak merasa apapun. Terkadang ketika aku ingin menangis, aku enggan melakukannya. Bahkan marah sekalipun.
Emo tertawa tidak menandakan sebenarnya
Sadari, kenali, dan bertemanlah dengan segala emosimu.
Hari terakhir ketika Roger berada di Tbilisi, ia mengunjungi sebuah pusat perbelanjaan. Di kota itu, ia tertarik dengan sebuah karya. Apakah itu?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZQFoo00Npo when the emotion fill my heart and soul. i don't know what to do. i loved him. admired him.i did care
Her stagnant pond's eyes staring at the murky sky above. Dark cloud was hanging and storm about to fall over the overcrowded city of Jakarta. The stre
[caption id="attachment_159169" align="aligncenter" width="253" caption="google.com"][/caption] Hey, stop controlling me! Don’t tell me what to do