Gemes banget liat produk Jepang Daiso.
Optimalisasi Industri Sakha Butik & Batik Sebagai Penggerak Ekonomi Lokal di Ponorogo
Ecotourism plays a significant role in providing economic benefits to local communities by promoting sustainable use of natural resources while genera
Digital marketing
The Power Of Innovation, Inclusion, and Econoic Sustainability for Global Economic Transformation
Economic in Indonesia
If ASEAN does not consider the conditions of other member states, it will widen the development gap, just as it did with AEC 2015.
This article explores the dynamics of wage determination in Jakarta before, during, and after the pandemic.
Para cendekiawan Muslim mulai mencari inspirasi, merujuk pada masa kejayaan Islam, dan dengan gegap gempita memuji karya-karya pemikir
Amid rising temperatures and unpredictable seas, Esther, a determined fisherwoman from Indonesia, battles the harsh realities of climate change
Does decent work affect a counry's economic growth?
make the right decisions to safeguard personal economy and preserve the environment
Integrasi valuasi ekonomi dalam sistem informasi akuntansi untuk pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang berkelanjutan
Setelah 30 Tahun, Bagaimana Ekonomi Afrika Selatan Bertahan dari Bayang-Bayang Apartheid?
Potensi permasalahan pada kontrak derivatif meliputi risiko kredit, risiko pasar, risiko likuiditas, risiko model, dan risiko operasional.
Dampak berlipat yang dirasakan dari terlaksananya sebuah acara akan membuat kenaikan ekonomi sekitar dan terkait
The fall of the American economy and the rise of China as a superpower represent a paradigm
The Role of International Relations in Shaping Indonesia's Economic LandscapeLandscape of IRIndonesian Economic
The Russian invasion of Ukraine shows no sign of ending.
"If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else's expense, then you have no right to complain when…