Inilah kesempatan membebaskan democracy dari pembajakan oleh moneycracy.
by googleDalam menyikapi Pemilu presiden dan wakil presiden Indonesia 2024 yang lalu, perdebatan antara pemilu proporsional tertutup dan proporsional&
Discover how Indonesia's democracy is shaped by Islamic culture, influencing governance and policy through Sharia and Pancasila values.
Discover how Indonesia's democracy seamlessly integrates Islamic values, shaping policies with justice, accountability, and community participation.
FREE PALESTINE The UNSC's failure to address these issues effectively is not just a political failure; it is a moral one. T
This is about who cares for his peoples to be a great nation
How Democracy Works: Indonesia and America
Mileniar For Democracy dan Sodik Mudjahid, Gelar dan Dukung Edukasi Politik serta Diskusi Issue Pendidikan
Membahas faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya kepercayaan Generasi Z kepada pemerintah.
The Dual Role of Social Media in Indonesia: Strengthening Democracy or Triggering Conflict?
Kekecewaan yang sudah terlalu sering dialami oleh masyarakat Thailand ini menyulut terjadinya aksi demonstrasi yang berlangsung di Monumen Demokrasi.
Kebijakan intervensi juga dinilai kontradiktif dengan upaya pemerintah mempermudah izin usaha.
Demokrasi menekankan adanya persamaan hak dan pemenuhan kewajiban yang sama bagi tiap warga negaranya baik laki-laki maupun perempuan
Is the idea of a third term of office a necessity or simply the work of a political interest?
In fact, there are also many overseas campaign teams from candidate pairs who work to win the parties they support by using social media
The pillar which is defined as the basis or parent is also very appropriate when you see the influence of the current media which is very large
The depiction of Asian democracy with Africa is very close harmonious and boundless.
Democracy comes from the Greek democracy. The word "democratia" is derived from the word demos which means people and kratein which means to rule, kra
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Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam and The Rise of Asia Africa Union Based on Dasasila Bandung