“Guy Fawkes: From History to Icon”Explore how a 17th-century plot turned Guy Fawkes into a global symbol of rebellion and resistance.
Sudah kurang lebih 3 bulan kita menghadapi pandemi virus corona (covid-19) ini. Dan sepertinya tidak ada ketidakpastian kapan pandemi covid-19 i
WARNING: CERITA INI MENGANDUNG ADEGAN SADIS. BUKAN UNTUK KONSUMSI ANAK-ANAK. Tak ada yang merasa lebih bangga daripada Kepolisian Republik Indonesia m
Sudah lebih dari 50 hari sejak hilangnya MH370 namun sampai sekarang belum ada kabar yang jelas mengenai keberadaan maupun apa sebenarnya yang terjadi
I say many thanks to all people who have shown their empathy to the current situation. Many problems have prevented our nation's development. Race to
They said...Osama is dead I say... Obama either FAKE!!!My younger sister can do better than this! Note: be careful with your photoshop!you can
On the surface of the world right now, there is war and violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly at the same time, something els
Like in a game of chess, you always sacrifice your pawns to save your king or to distract your opponent attention while you plan your next move. There