peran pemerintah dalam memberhentikan deforestasi dan energi fosil
Artikel ini mengulas berbagai faktor di balik kesuksesan Norwegia, termasuk target pengurangan emisi sebesar 90-95% di bawah tingkat tahun 1990.
Orlaey has a very enthusiastic smile with the clean trash he has been with for 3 months. Today is the first time he will send his recyclables
A common mistake in our society is that sustainability is an option. Our ears are no strangers to phrases like conserving energy, using renewable reso
Setiap 1000 terawatt listrik yang dihasilkan dari batu bara membunuh 280 ribu orang, menjadikan batu bara sebagai bahan bakar pembangkit listrik palin
Dua dekade sudah terlewati , seiring waktu berganti. Nyatanya tidak ada yang benar-benar mengamati. Perubahan hutan kita yang kita alami. Hutan yang b
Indonesia, sebagai salah satu penghasil emisi terbesar di Dunia, memiliki peranan penting dalam menjaga stabilitas iklim di Dunia. Setiap orang berhar
Indonesia menjadi negara ke-enam terbesar penghasil emisi gas rumah kaca dari aktivitas deforestasi. Namun Indonesia juga telah berkomitmen untuk mene
Indonesia issued Law no. 27 of 2003 on Geothermal which is expected to provide legal certainty in geothermal development in Indonesia. To accelerate i
The Government of Indonesia has officially submitted a commitment to contribute to the post-2020 global emission reductions in the Intended Nationally
Paris Agreement which was agreed at COP 21 in Paris ago, has entered a period of signing for all parties who are members of the UNFCCC. The signatorie
Most people know that climate change will only bring destruction to the environment, such as rising sea levels and more powerful storms. It turned out
The world has been undergoing severe and rapid changesinvolving significant challenges. These changes include globalization,urbanization, technologica
"Policies are made must pay attention to the groups most suffering"On 25-27 September 2015 the world agreed on sustainable development program 17 or s
The historic Paris Agreement, which was agreed on Saturday, December 12th at the COP21 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, France, incl
Former member of the Oil and Gas Reform Committee Governance Radhy Fahmi said the oil mafia has an important role in the process of procurement of fue
Indonesian government’s strong commitment for promoting clean, new and renewable energy has been reflected in the Vision 25/25 document. It calls for
Subsidies fossil fuel given by a number of countries have seen encouraging wasteful consumption, reduce energy security, impede investment in energy s
President of Indonesia has launched a program designed to provide an additional 35 GW of power capacity by 2019 to cope with electricity shortages, wh
While setting MP3EI provide fresh air or facilitate dredging up into the forest and environmental damage. In fact, the largest energy producer in Kali