What is Alpha Generation? What are the characteristics of this Alpha Generation?
Childhood that experience a post-traumatic dissorder is lead negative behavior in the future
divorce is often hurt the child. as a parent's we must to consider our chlindren from divorce affects
Influencer Gita Savitri's childfree choice sparked debates in Indonesia. Is it selfish or thoughtful? Unpacking the motives behind this trend!
Kebayang ga sih Mom, anak usia SD menyiapkan pementasan seperti event organizer?
This article explores the role of the environment in children’s language acquisition from various perspectives, including social, physical, and cultur
Kata "innerchild" saat ini mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga remaja gen Z, gen Z biasanya menggunakan kata ini sebagai alasan untuk memenuhi h
Mengapa kita harus memilih jajanan yang sehat? karena baik untuk kesehatan anak-anak hingga remaja nanti
SOS Children's Villages International (SOS CVI) berkontribusi besar pada pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) di Indonesia, khususnya da
Psycholinguistic Study of Communication capacities in Trainable Down Syndrome Children
Understanding How Indonesian Children Think and Speak
A disturbing rise in sexual abuse cases against children in schools has emerged, explore this urgent issue and learn how we can safeguard our children
School violence is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive solution. With the cooperation of all parties.
The education gap has always been an issue that has been highlighted recently. Do rural children have the same education?
Fenomena FATHERLESS di Indonesia berdampak pada cara anak perempuan mencari kasih sayang dari sosok pria lain melalui pacaran
Our small hands, etched with scars, trace the cracked lines of broken homes,
Puisi tentang anak-anak Palestina yang guti dan orang tua mereka tewas akibat serangan Israel.
Poem about flood and hope . Amidst the chaos of a relentless flood, hope and resilience shine through in this poignant poem.
Awas! Anak suka berbohong!
Apakah ketaatan kepada orang tua adalah kewajiban mutlak yang harus dipatuhi, ataukah ada ruang bagi anak untuk memilih jalan hidupnya sendiri?