Dengan semangat baru dan kepengurusan yang solid, JCI Central Java optimis dapat terus berkontribusi dan menjadi wadah bagi para pemimpin muda
Being involved in a Community Service Program (Kerja Kuliah Nyata Tematik Inovasi) is a special honor for college students.
One of the Best Tours in Central Java, You can enjoy your holiday here
. Visitors to Semarang are fascinated by its colonial past as they enjoy the local cuisine and enjoy the area's natural beauty.
semarang city is from word "asam and arang"
Ternyata masih banyak fakta tentang gunung Prau yang banyak belum diketahui, berikut beberapa di antaranya.
Aroma hio dan dupa selalu tercium saat saya memasuki klenteng-klenteng di Kampung Pecinan Semarang. Setiap kali memasuki klenteng, saya selalu menemui
As the super-duper spicy food hunter, I was so excited when my friend, Budi Prabowo invited me to taste extreme spicy menu in Sragen, a city in Centra
Looking for something classical to see in Solo City/Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia? Sriwedari Park can be your top option to visit. This park is a
[caption id="attachment_197746" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="The image of mountain seen from Ketep Pass (1)"][/caption] Traveling can be
[caption id="attachment_195638" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Praying"][/caption] As the most populated Muslim country, Indonesia has very
[caption id="attachment_181518" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Kue pukis seller in Pasar Legi, Solo City"][/caption] Don't worry, you will
[caption id="attachment_180688" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="The house in Lojiwetan, Solo City (1)"] [/caption] In 2009, I helped my
Graduation can be one of the best moments for someone's life. Uniquely, this is both the end and the beginning; the end for studying in a school and t
Eid al-Adha (Bahasa Indonesia: Idul Adha) is the biggest celebration for Muslim in all over the world after Eid al-Fitr (Bahasa Indonesia; Idul Fitri)
Kids play delikan in pedicab/becak (1) For reading the series of “RETRACING SURAKARTA PRINCES’ RESIDENCES”: Chapter I: An Introduction, please cli
The front part of Ndalem Sasonomulyo (1) The front part of Ndalem Sasonomulyo (2) For reading the series of “RETRACING SURAKARTA PRIN
[caption id="attachment_174118" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="The green view near Borobudur Temple (1)"][/caption] [caption id="attachme
[caption id="attachment_173931" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Soto Semarang (1)"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_173937" align="align
[caption id="attachment_173918" align="aligncenter" width="313" caption="Batik Factory (1)"][/caption] For reading the series of “RETRACING SURAK