Katanya bosen maen game tapi kita jadi manusia, coba dulu game-game ini rasain sensasi jadi player tapi hewan
Is adopting exotic animals a great idea?
Kalian percaya tidak, bahwasanya segala sesuatu yang telah Tuhan ciptakan di dunia ini memiliki manfaatnya masing-masing? Mungkin manfaat tersebut buk
Mari kita bahas mengenai kupu-kupu Zebra longwing atau Heliconius charithonia!
Habitat hewan yang semakin berkurang, berdampak kepada ekosistem dan populasi hewan, lantas apakah ini salah manusia atau kurangnya habitat?
Animal defenders Indonesia membuka Posko Bantuan Hewan pada bencana kebakaran Plumpang
Rute yang pertama, kami diarahkan untuk melihat satwa di alam terbuka. Banyak sekali satwa yang belum kami ketahui sebelumnya, untungnya disana terter
Para ilmuan tersebut menemukan hingga 12 fosil plesiosaurus dengan pola gigi yang sama, menunjukkan bahwa kelompok plesiosaurus, Monster Danau Ness ..
Its about our roles on how to put a stop to animal cruelty
Dunia Internasional sedang dihadapkan dengan permasalah Global yang menyangkut kesehatan manusia.
In Children's poetry, there are message for the children as the author conveys in poem.
Soal ulangan harian bahasa inggris kelas 4 materi animals
Nama : Anneke Virna MurdokoNPM : 200907198Significance of Animals in Human's Life Animals can b
Source: unsplash.comWe all know that keeping animals has a good impact on humans. Many people prefer to keep dogs or cats because of their attractive&
Animal is really have important role in human lifes. We can make an animal as our pet, our therapist, companions or our resources. There is a lot of i
Talking about fish, surely we already know what substances are contained in fish, such as protein, fats, vitamins (Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vi
https://images.app.goo.gl/3cn682TPX9eThx2U7There are so many animals that are beneficial to humans, here I will take 1 animal, namely horses. Horses a
Everything will need each other and will complement each other. Whether it's…
In a life, living things carry a very big influence. Between one living thing and another living thing must have an attachment. This attachment is wha
Animals and humans are two living things that cannot be separated, animals and humans always coexist and complement each other. Animals help a lot of&