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Ruang Kelas

3 Things You Must Be Grateful For In Life

4 September 2024   21:07 Diperbarui: 4 September 2024   21:09 8
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

        Gratitude is an experience of thanks to god for the blessings he has given. Gratitude is an attitude that must be instilled in every human. There are many things to be grateful for in life. 

        Being given health is somethingbto be grateful for because health is an important thing in life. In healthy conditions, a person can carry out optimal activities.

         Grateful to have a good family. Family is where life begins and love never ends, every day spent withe family is a day that must be filled with gratitude because not everyone has a family, with the role of family we can feel support in everything we do.

           Being grateful for being allowed to study is also something to be thankful for because nit everyone has that opportunity. There are many children out there who want to go to school but are prevented by costs.

           The benefits of being gratefulbare many, such as being closee to god. Being grateful can make life calmer because we feel that we have enough so that we will be happier in life. Therefore, we must instill this attitude of gratitude in our lives.

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