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Syarifatunnisa Qothrunnada
Syarifatunnisa Qothrunnada Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswi Universitas Darussalam Gontor

International Relations Student



Ilmu Sosbud

Nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam Perspektif Islam

6 Maret 2023   15:28 Diperbarui: 6 Maret 2023   15:34 230
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Witriani Astuti

 Syarifatunnisa Qothrunnada Salsabila




The research entitled "Pancasila values in an Islamic perspective" is motivated by the widespread debate that Islam and Pancasila are two opposing ideological poles, so there is a need for an interpretation of the relationship between Islam and Pancasila, Islam and Pancasila is a long journey for the Indonesian state, Pancasila is a philosophy. the nation and the foundation of the State of Indonesia and Pancasila are not Islam, but the values of Pancasila acquire a spirit that enlivens Islam. This study aims to determine the importance of the role of Islamic values in Pancasila. 

Then in this study using a qualitative library research method, which was carried out through a survey of existing library materials. The results obtained in this study are to find out that the values contained in Pancasila are in line with Islamic law, where its application is also based on Islamic values.

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