Banda Aceh is the capital city of Aceh, which is located at the tip of sumatera island. This city usual known as Serambi mekkah or tanoh rencong. Banda Aceh city is also the oldest islamic city in Southest Asia. Many people say that islamic syari'at in Aceh is very stronger and thick.
Syari'at applied in Aceh covers the field of aqeedah, syari'at, and morals. The provisions of islamic law in Aceh are reguated by Qanun. Everyone who lives in Aceh must respect the impemetation of the syari'at. Every adherent of islam in Aceh must obey and practice islamic syari'at.

The Banda Aceh city is not only known as a stronger and thick syari'at. It turns out that this city also has exotic and amazing tourist attractions. One of them are meseum tsunami and lampuuk beach.

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