Ultimately, ClDA is a powerful tool that, when combined with effective classroom practices, can lead to more meaningful and productive classroom interactions. By paying close attention to how teachers and students communicate, educators can use ClDA to create a learning environment where both teacher and student voices are heard, and where learning is truly a collaborative process because it fosters mutual understanding and enhances the overall learning experience.
Classroom Discourse Analysis (CDA/ClDA [interchangeable])
Critical Discourse Analyisis (CDA)
Critical Classroom Discourse Analysis (CCDA)
Rex, L. A., & Schiller, L. (2010). Using discourse analysis to improve classroom interaction. Routledge.
Richards, J. C., & Lockhart, C. (1996). Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. Cambridge University Press.
Sinclair, J., & Coulthard, M. (1975). Towards an analysis of discourse: The English used by teachers and pupils. Oxford University Press.
Walsh, S. (2006). Investigating classroom discourse. Routledge.
Walsh, S. (2011). Exploring classroom discourse: Language in action. Routledge.