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Bedah IELTS Writing Task 1: Maps

8 Agustus 2022   14:46 Diperbarui: 8 Agustus 2022   15:08 2317
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IELTS task 1 maps bagi beberapa orang bisa menyulitkan, tapi sebenarnya tipe task 1 ini lebih mudah untuk dikerjakan jika dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya dikarenakan kalian tidak perlu menganalisa data-data tertentu. Sebaliknya yang perlu kalian lakukan hanyalah membandingkan perbedaan dan kesamaan antara dua peta. 

Agar dapat menjelaskannya dengan baik dan sesuai dengan apa yang diminta oleh IELTS, kalian perlu memahami beberapa tips dan strategi khusus untuk tipe soal peta ini. Di sini tips and strategi akan kita bedah agar kalian dapat lebih memahami bagaimana cara pengerjaannya.

Dalam tipe soal maps ini, kalian perlu memahami tipe maps yang ditanyakan sebelum kalian menulis. Lihat petanya. Apakah peta yang dibandingkan peta di masa lalu dan sekarang atau sekarang dengan rencana perubahan. Ini sangat penting karena bahasa yang kita gunakan pasti berbeda. 

Jika petanya masa lalu dan sekarang, kalian perlu menggunakan simple present dan simple past, dan jika petanya sekarang dan rencana perubahan maka yang kalian gunakan adalah simple present dan simple future. Mari kita lihat contoh-contoh maps yang mungkin akan kalian jumpai dalam IELTS writing task 1.

Contoh 1 (Peta past dan sekarang)

The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.

The map shows how a village called Ryemouth has developed over the last twenty-five years. Overall, the city has seen considerable changes.

In 1995, to the south of the village where the sea is there was previously a fishing industry, with a fishing port and quite a large fish market as well. East of this, there was a small cafe. Across the road running by the sea stood a line of five shops and a hotel, while situated in the north east part of the village were farmland and a park with trees. 

The main housing of the village was located in the north west around a main road that runs from the coastal road, with twelve houses, four of them encircled by a smaller side-street.

Turning to the present-day map, it can be seen that the fishing facilities were all gone and replaced by four apartments, and the shops were converted into restaurants. The cafe and hotel still existed with an additional car park that was built next to the hotel. 

The farmland and forest park areas were cut down to make way for the development of sporting facilities; golf course and tennis courts. Although the old houses remain, new ones were constructed, along with a new road with two new houses beside it. 

Question and answers taken and adapted from:

Jika kalian perhatikan contoh di atas, struktur paragrafnya bisa dibagi seperti ini:

Paragraf 1: Paragraf ini, seperti task 1 lainnya, terdiri dari parafrase soal dan overview. Overview disini berperan untuk menunjukkan tingkat perubahan yang terjadi antara kedua peta tersebut. Karena di contoh atas perubahan lumayan banyak maka dalam penulisan overview nya adalah "Overall, the city has seen considerable changes".  

Contoh lain yang bisa kalian tuliskan adalah "Over the period, the area witnessed dramatic changes". From 1995 to the present time, the city saw spectacular developments". "The city changed considerably over the time period".

Paragraf 2: Di paragraph ini, kalian jelaskan peta di tahun 1995-nya terlebih dahulu

Paragraf 3: Sedangkan di paragraph ini, kalian jelaskan peta di present-nya seperti apa. Disini kalian sudah harus membandingkan kesamaan dan perbedaan dalam kedua peta tersebut.

Dalam mendeskripsikan kedua peta tersebut ada beberapa bahasa yang perlu kalian pahami.

  1. Dalam menjelaskan lokasi kalian harus menggunakan arah mata angin; South, South-East, South-West, North, North-East, North-West, East, dan West. Contoh:

In 1995, to the south of the village where the sea is there was previously a fishing industry, with a fishing port and quite a large fish market as well.

East of this, there was a small cafe.

The main housing of the village was located in the north west around a main road that runs from the coastal road, with twelve houses, four of them encircled by a smaller side-street.

  1. Kalian juga bisa menggunakan preposisi untuk menunjukkan lokasi seperti at, in, on, by, beside, to, off, from, across, next dan sebagainya. Contoh:

Across the road running by the sea stood a line of five shops and a hotel, while situated in the north east part of the village were farmland and a park with trees.

Although the old houses remain, new ones were constructed, along with a new road with two new houses beside it. 

  1. Dalam menjelaskan perubahan yang terjadi, gunakan kalimat pasif. Contoh:

Turning to the present-day map, it can be seen that the fishing facilities were all gone and were replaced by four apartments, and the shops were converted into restaurants.

The cafe and hotel still existed with an additional car park that was built next to the hotel. The farmland and forest park areas were cut down to make way for the development of sporting facilities; golf course and tennis courts.

Although the old houses remain, new ones were constructed, along with a new road with two new houses beside it. 

  1. Dalam menjelaskan perubahan yang terjadi ada beberapa kategori kata kerja yang bisa kalian gunakan. Dan pastikan untuk variasikan penggunaan katanya.

Expanding: Dalam kategori ini, kata kerjanya memiliki makna perluasan. Jadi jika kalian melihat adanya perubahan ukuran yang lebih besar kalian bisa gunakan kata kerja sebagai berikut; enlarge, expand, make bigger, develop, extend.

Removing: Dalam kategori ini, makna yang ingin disampaikan adalah jika kalian melihat ada hal yang dihilangkan. Kata kerja yang bisa kalian gunakan adalah: demolish, knock down, pull down, remove, torn down (khusus untuk bangunan), cut down (khusus untuk pepohonan).

Addition: Dalam kategori ini makna yang ingin disampaikan adalah adanya penambahan sesuatu dalam peta. Kata kerja yang bisa digunakan adalah: construct, build, erect, introduce, add, opened up (khusus untuk fasilitas umum).

Change into something: Dalam kategori ini, makna yang ingin disampaikan adalah pengalihan fungsi dari suatu hal. Kata kerja yang bisa digunakan adalah; convert, redevelop, replace, make into, modernize, renovate.

Perlu kalian perhatikan contoh kata kerja yang disebutkan di atas masih dalam bentuk simple present dan perlu disesuaikan dengan tense yang ingin kalian gunakan.

Contoh 2 (Peta sekarang dan rencana perubahan)
The maps illustrate the current and predicted future Islip town centre. Overall, it is clear from the maps that the city centre will face dramatical changes.

Focusing on the current map, the town center is developed around a main road, which stretches from the west to the east. There are many shops to the north and to the south of the road. 

Whilst it is mainly consisted of the countryside in the north, a big area is occupied by housing in the south. This area is limited by a park in the east and a school in the south-west. Both of these structures are connected to the main road by side roads.

Moving on to the planned development, a circular road (dual carriageway) which will surround the city centre will be built. The middle part of the main road is projected to be pedestrianised. Although the southern part of Islip is not designated to see big changes other than some new housing and a shrink in the size of the park, many changes is predicted to happen for the northern area. 

Shops in this part will be demolished and a shopping centre and a housing area will be introduced. A bus station and a parking area are also planned to be built to the west and the east of the shopping centre, respectively.

Question and answers taken and adapted from:

Jika kalian perhatikan contoh di atas, dari segi struktur paragraph, tidak ada perubahan, Yang perlu kalian perhatikan disini adalah penggunaan tense-nya karena kita diminta untuk membandingkan peta sekarang dan masa depan. Maka kita harus gunakan simple future dalam menjelaskan peta yang kedua yang mana dituliskan di paragraph 3.

Dalam menjelaskan rencana perubahan, ada beberapa kata kerja yang bisa kalian gunakan:

Moving on to the planned development, a circular road (dual carriageway) which will surround the city centre will be built.

The middle part of the main road is projected to be pedestrianised.

Although the southern part of Islip is not designated to see big changes other than some new housing and a shrink in the size of the park, many changes is predicted to happen for the northern area.

A bus station and a parking area are also planned to be built to the west and the east of the shopping centre, respectively.

Contoh 3 (Peta perbandingan 0 dengan banyak)

Dalam tipe maps seperti ini, kalian bisa lihat bahwa di peta sebelum pembangunan tidak ada bangunan sama sekali. Oleh karena itu, makanya perbandingan yang kita lakukan disini adalah perbandingan 0 dengan banyak.

The maps illustrate the condition of an island before and after the construction of several tourist facilities. Overall, the island saw total transformation.

Before construction, the island was empty. After its construction, at center of the island, a reception was built. North of this, a restaurant was constructed to provide food for the visitors of the island. Meanwhile, south of the reception, a pier was added so that the ships can arrive to the island. 

To connect these three areas, a vehicle track was built. On the eastern side of the island, nine bungalows were erected with footpaths connecting to each bungalow. The nine bungalows were constructed in a circular manner. Further east, there are still some areas that are undeveloped. 

Similarly, bungalows were also added on the western part of the island in a similar manner but different in numbers (only six). Further west, at the western tip of the island, a beach can be used for swimming by accessing the footpath from the western bungalows.       

Dalam pengerjaan tipe peta yang seperti ini, ada sedikit perubahan dalam struktur paragraf. Kalian hanya perlu 2 paragraf saja disini. Ini karena, tidak adanya bangunan sama sekali yang bisa kalian jelaskan di peta (before).

 Oleh karena itu, kalian hanya perlu buat satu kalimat saja untuk menjelaskan peta (before) seperti contoh di atas yaitu; "Before construction, the island was empty". Setelah ini, kalian bisa lanjutkan dengan menjelaskan perubahan yang terjadi di peta (after).

Selain itu, perbedaan juga ada dalam penulisan overviewnya. Dikarenakan perubahan yang terjadi dalam peta tipe ini bukanlah perubahan yang banyak melainkan perubahan total maka makna itu harus kalian tunjukkan dalam overview-nya. Contoh:

Overall, the island saw total transformation.

During the period, the island was totally transformed.

Over the past years, the island area was totally reconstructed.

Bahasa-bahasa tambahan untuk peta:

  1. Frase-frase dalam menjelaskan lokasi

To the north of/ north of: The tennis court is north of the hotel = The tennis court is to the north of the hotel.

to the south of/ south of: The hotel is south of the tennis court = The hotel is to the south of the tennis court.

To the east of/ east of: The forest to the east of the river was completely cut down. = The forest east of the river was completely cut down.

To the west of/ west of: The factory to the west of the school was flattened and relocated. = The factory west of the school was flattened and relocated.

In the west: In the west, some houses were built.

In the east: There were many shops in the east.

In the north: Most of the town's buildings are concentrated in the north.

In the south: In the south, the fishing port was demolished.

Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western and etc:

The house faces northwest.

The northern area is rarely countryside, while the southern area is filled with houses.

There is a school at the end of the fork road in the southwest corner and a park in the southeast area.

Most factories are located on the northeast side of the town.

Di atas adalah berbagai macam tipe peta yang mungkin akan kalian jumpai beserta kosakata yang penting untuk peta. Semoga bermanfaat.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
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  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
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