Mohon tunggu...
susana nisa
susana nisa Mohon Tunggu...

in the water one see's another face but in wine one behold with another heart




If He Loves You

7 April 2012   14:57 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   06:55 36
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If he loves you....

He would have respect for you

If he says he loves you,,remaind yourself that's just talk

Where's the proof .....?

If he loves you

He should running to your parents

Because of being afraid that someone else can have you

He had learn the deen with you

If he loves you .............

He wouldnt make you do the things that will make you a shame of Allah

If he loves you..

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
Mohon tunggu...

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