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Suksma Ratri
Suksma Ratri Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Senior Communication Officer and Gender Focal Point - Solidaridad Network Indonesia

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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Gender Mainstreaming in Palm Oil Industry Towards SDGs Achievement

8 Maret 2022   10:00 Diperbarui: 8 Maret 2022   10:15 545
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By Delima Hasri Azahari

Chairperson of Indonesia Solidaridad Network Foundation/Senior Reseacher of Indonesia Center for Agriculture Social Economy and Policy Studies (ICASEPS), Ministry of Agriculture



  • Introduction

Indonesia is the greatest producer of oil palm in the world. Palm oil production is strategic industry in Indonesian Economy both at present and the future. It is called strategic industry because of its considerable contribution to Indonesia non-oil and gas exports, employment creation, rural development and poverty reduction. In addition, the palm oil has also become an important part of Indonesia's energy sovereignty system. Not many sectors of the economy, especially in the commodity sector in which its contribution to the economy is so large, as inclusive and broad as the palm industry [1].Despite providing economic benefits, oil palm plantations cause significant environmental and social impacts. Environmental impacts such as deforestation, loss of biodiversity, forest fires and drought. The social impact of oil palm expansion changes women works in livelihood resilience.

Referring [2] the performance of achievement of selected SDGs related to palm oil development and its selected indicators and sub indicators, 8 SDGs out of 14 were in on track or 57 % already approaching the Targets. These achievement in SDGs are part of women contribution as the UN explains: "Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large [3].

In the debate around oil palm expansion in Indonesia, pioneering studies sometimes note to the possibility that unequal gender relations may result in disproportionate consequences for women, but rarely recognize women as agents [4], [5], [6]. Only [7], in their analysis of the gender disaggregated impacts of oil palm expansion in Indonesia, mention the participation of women in oil palm, and the overall lack of women in SDGs achievement. Significantly, palm oils play a major role in achieving these SDGs, though the exact contribution that palm oils have on the SDGs remains unclear. According to OECD [8], gender disparities in the labor market are to a large extent attributable to deeply entrenched stereotypes that restrain women to caregiving and men to breadwinning. Understanding the need to address the social norm, this paper aims to benchmark, (i) contribution of Gender on selected SDGs goals; and (ii) the nature of women's involvement in palm oils as subject of pillar of SDGs.

Oil palm is the world leading vegetable oil. It is an important player in the economic development of the country, both as a contributor to gross national product (GDP), foreign export earnings and job creation. With high yields per hectare, cheap to produce and its application to food and non-food industries makes it an important product both locally and internationally

The oil palm is an extremely efficient crop, which makes the oil widely available and relatively cheap. Palm oil and palm kernel oil together represent 40 per cent of the global vegetable oil production. Oil palm share of 6.5% of oilseeds harvested area of global vegetable oil harvested area. However, palm oil production contributed to 31.9% of total world vegetable production.

The demand for palm oil has leads to expansion of oil palm plantation around the world over the past several decades, with Indonesia and Malaysia accounting for more than 85 percent of the global palm oil market [9]--[10]. The palm oil sector had been identified as one of the entry points in the execution of the food reliance and a vehicle for poverty reduction. Palm has a higher contribution in achieving SDGs compared to other vegetable oils [11]. Palm oil Industry contributes significantly in gender equality and social inclusive for women. Oil palm plantation and palm oil industry provide job opportunities for women.

The significant contribution of Palm oil industry in achieving SDGs highly related to role of women in this sector. There are 5 SDGs where the role of palm oil industry in achieving SDGs in important position  namely End of Hunger (SDGs 2); Decent Works and Economic Growth (SDGs 8); Industry, Infrastructure, and Innovations (SDGs 9); Responsible Consumption and Production (SDGs 12); and Climate Changes (SDGs 13). While contribution women in palm oil industry to SDGs are 7 SDGs in important position, namely End Hunger (SDGs2); good Health and Well Living (SDGs 3); Quality Education (SDGs4);Gender Equality (SDGs 5); Decent Works and Economic Growth (SDGs 8); Reduced Inequality (SDGs 10) and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDGs 12). These show that 3 SDGs namely End Hunger (SDGs 2), Decent Works and Economic Growth (SDGs8) and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDGs12) have coincidence role to SDGs both Palm oil and women in palm oil industry. 

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