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Suko Waspodo
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If You Leave Me Now

25 Agustus 2023   13:50 Diperbarui: 25 Agustus 2023   13:52 61
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if you leave me now, my world turns gray
the sun fades, and stars lose their way
your presence is the melody in my song
without you, the notes would all go wrong

your laughter is the symphony of my heart
in your absence, silence tears me apart
like a canvas missing colors so true
my life lacks meaning without you

the warmth of your touch, a gentle breeze
a soothing whisper among life's unease
if you leave me now, I'd be lost at sea
a ship without sails, no destination to be

you're the chapter that completes my book
the gravity that holds me, love's own hook
in your arms, I've found my home
if you leave me now, I'd be left to roam

so stay by my side, let's write our tale
in a world where our love will never fail
for without you, my love, I'd be adrift
if you leave me now, my soul would shift

promise me your heart will always stay
and together, we'll chase the night away
with you, my love, my heart has found
a love so profound, forever bound

Solo, Fri, 25th August 2023. 1:39 pm
Suko Waspodo

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