Blogger, writer, content creator, publisher. Penggemar Liga Inggris (dan timnas Inggris), penikmat sci-fi dan spionase, salah satu penghuni Rumah Kayu, punya 'alter ego' Alien Indo
, salah satu penulis kisah intelejen Operasi Garuda Hitam, cersil Padepokan Rumah Kayu
dan Bajra Superhero
.Terkadang suka menulis di dan
Lahir di pesisir Galesong, Kab. Takalar, Sulsel. Blogger. Menyukai perjalanan ke wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau. Pernah kerja di Selayar, Luwu, Aceh, Nias. Mengisi blog pribadinya Dapat dihubungi di email,
Formal Education Background in UPDM (B) Of Bachelor’s Degree of Politics and Social Science, majoring of Public Administration and Master Degree, Majoring of Human Resources. Worked in various private companies over 30 years, such as: PT. Pan Brothers Textile as HRD Assistant Manager, PT. Sumber Makmur as HRD Manager, General Personnel Manager at PT. Bangun Perkarsa Adhitamasentra, Senior Manager of HRD and General affair at PT. Indoraya Giriperkarsa, Headmaster of Kelapa Dua High School, and the last, Head of the General Bureau and Human Resources at ISTN Jakarta.
A language lover, but not a linguist; a music lover, but not a musician; a beauty lover, but not a beautician; a joke lover, but not a joker ! Married with two children, currently reside in Palembang.
tukang nonton film, betah nulis dan baca, suka sejarah, senang jalan-jalan, hobi jepret, cinta lingkungan, pegiat konservasi energi dan sayang keluarga