Akhmad Sekhu lahir di desa Jatibogor, Suradadi, Tegal, besar di "Kota Budaya" Yogyakarta, kini hijrah ke "Kota Gelisah" Jakarta, yang insya Allah dalam hidupnya ingin selalu berkarya. Menulis berupa puisi, cerpen, novel, esai sastra-budaya, resensi buku, artikel arsitektur-kota, kupasan film-musik, telaah tentang televisi di berbagai media massa, juga banyak mengerjakan penulisan buku biografi karier dan kisah kehidupan, kini bekerja sebagai wartawan
a learner who live in village that has lost track of its history. Happy go to the island, love of the Sea and Concern of Conservation of Coral Reef. Ever feel the joy as a teacher and journalist. After failing to be politician, now works as a public relation worker, writer, observer of history and social culture. \r\nMy Email: palontaraq@gmail.com