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International School will Position English as the Indonesian Second National Language?

3 Oktober 2020   12:07 Diperbarui: 3 Oktober 2020   13:38 392
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Illustration about Education System in International School

In the article sourced from, we know that there are so many pros and contras about the existence of international school. The arguments are arguing about some aspects, such as the tariff, the requirements, and the language used.

Language is actually a bridge that connects an individual with one another in a communication. We as the next generation of Indonesia should be able to know and master many languages, both vernacular (local) and foreign languages.

English (language) is one of the most important things in our life. It caused by English is an international language and is used by almost all people in the world. There are many countries those are using English as their colloquial. In the article sourced from, there are many countries those were even adopting English as their second national language. Even more, there are so many words in Indonesian those are uptake from English. We as the next generation do need to learn and master English as preparation for all the possibility those will probably happen in the future, such as cooperation, collaboration, ect.

Education system in international school in Indonesia as if to replace Indonesian position as our national language. It can be seen by the intermediate language that is used there, they mostly use English as their intermediate language in teaching-learning process. The impact of this system is students will grow in westernized, the real proof that we can see at this time is "Anak JakSel (Jakarta Selatan)" with their "bahasa JakSel". "Anak JakSel" is talking in mixed language named "bahasa JakSel" and they have their own vocabularies, e. g. 

"Gua prefer makan salad daripada junk food which is banyak kalori". 

This situation will get worse if it is not be handled as early as possible. It will also be dangerous because it may fade our spirit of nationalism as time goes by. International school has made English looked as if it want to replace Indonesian position. This matter does not conform to the Sumpah Pemuda at all that reads "Kami Putera dan Puteri Indonesia menjunjung tinggi bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia".

Besides, not all students can understand and get the point of what the teacher teached in English. Every student has their own way to understand. So, if they are forced for using English, the result will be messy and disorganized. The knowledge gained will be different one another. There are teachers which have not capability to teach in English, they will definitely have difficulty in teaching. Sometimes the pronounciation is not clear and the delivery of material is also convoluted. It makes teaching-learning process in school seem pushy. Although there is a number of tests for the pre-teacher to show their credibility (quality) on, but it is not a guarantee if they are able to teach in English fluently and all students will understand. Some teachers may came from abroad. Their fluent accent is also becoming a problem for students in understanding what the teachers are talking about, extra listening skills are required here.

International school in Indonesia seems modern and the curriculum is like foreign school. But, the use of English as the intermediate language is more than Indonesian as our national language. The other schools have also started to follow suit. In advance, English is a local content only and now it has become the intermediate language, while Indonesian seems to be a local content in the future. The real goal of international school is to advance the education and the human resources in Indonesia, but in the process it seems to replace Indonesian position as our national language.

Our mission should be to make Indonesian to become famous and side by side with English on the world stage so that Indonesian can also be used abroad. With English, we are expected to introduce Indonesian to foreigners, not abandoned. There is a lack of awareness that the use of Indonesian is mostly still wrong. The writings are not in accordance with KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) and PUEBI (Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia). The linguistic rules are still in mess. The biggest mistake here is we learn the other people's language instead of being tidied up.

Those make today's prestige is to be able to know English, whether it is speaking or reading or writing or listening. This all may sound exaggerated, but this is the fact. Is it possible that someday there will be INDOLISH (Indonesian English)? Which one will be side by side with English and others, such as SingLish (Singaporean English), AusLish (Australian English), ect. We as the next generation of Indonesia must have to master foreign languages, preserve local languages, and prioritize Indonesian.

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