The collaboration of 2 UNISA Yogyakarta communication science students with UMKM Atelier Hanabira, yesterday held the 2nd meeting. This meeting was held at Cafe Journey. In this meeting 2 UNISA communication science students were brought together by the entire content creator team from UMKM Hanabira (9/11).
For this meeting, the UMKMs introduced the entire Hanabira Social Media Team. They are the people behind the content on Instagram and Tiktok Hanabira. After getting acquainted enough, students presented assignments that had been given by the Social Media Team regarding florist customer surveys.
Students describe what is obtained from distributing the questionnaire with certain requirements, namely aged 18-40 years who live in Yogyakarta. The final results of the survey obtained 45 respondents with different answers. Many are interested in flowers and some are not interested in flowers.
With these different answers, we can analyze why many students buy flowers and do not buy flowers.
After finishing presenting the answers. The Hanabia Social Media Team, gave another task, namely to analyze the 18 competitor accounts mentioned at the first meeting. So for the 3rd meeting, students have to present back the answers from the results of the analysis.
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