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Ilmu Sosbud

Students of Communication at 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta and UMKMs Yogyakarta Participate in a Workshop in RuBY

26 November 2022   16:13 Diperbarui: 26 November 2022   16:18 130
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Students of Communication at 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta has attended the inaugural class at Rumah BUMN (RuBY) Yogyakarta  with material on the Digital Marketing Framework. 

Lectures outside this class are part of the MBKM Batch 2 activities which are converted into 20 Semester Credit Units (SKS) for 1 semester. Involved the speaker Bondan Satria Nusantara which was attended by 20 UNISA communications science study program students and 10 Jogja UMKMs, Tuesday (11/10).

This inaugural class is filled with Digital Marketing Framework material for Beginners. Before going deeper into the explanation, do you know what Digital Marketing means?

Digital Marketing is a strategy in marketing or promoting a product that is introduced through the digital world or social media, which aims to reach a wider audience quickly.

Mr. Bondan Satria said that Digital Marketing has the main goal of finding interested parties, the bonus is BUYERS. Therefore this goal has main components namely TRAFFIC (fans) and CONVERSION (buyers). 

From these 2 components we have to change the STRANGER into a BROWSER, meaning from not knowing the product to being curious (TRAFFIC). After that, we change from BROWSER to BUYERS, meaning from those who already know the product to want to buy the product (CONVERSION).

There are many different branding strategies and approaches your company can pursue. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy.

However, any brand strategy must address these core areas as they are developed and created.

Here is a framework that your company needs to implement when developing a brand strategy. And if it hasn't been addressed by now, be sure to come back and start implementing it to create successful brand growth.
1. Have a clear mission & goals
2. Develop a Consistent Message
3. Find Your Target Brand Audience
4. Active Employees as Face of the Brand
5. Competitive Awareness & Analysis
6. How Employee Advocacy Strengthens Your Brand Strategy

The thing to remember also in promoting products in the digital world is that our followers are not always customers. And conversely Customers are not always our Followers. When we trade in the digital world, we must know that every customer knows which social media our products come from. 

For example, if customers find out about our products from Instagram, then optimize product promotions on the platform and ask customers to review the products they have purchased.

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