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Sriwedari Sri Mohon Tunggu...

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30 Desember 2013   22:45 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   03:20 25
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am ready and willing to run
able and ready to run
a hatched egg from an abandoned nest
against the breeze and bitter cold

rest ye shoulder over the mountains
they never fail to assure that a home will always be a home
await ye

a pair of delicate wings
brave heart
preoccupied and engrossed one's mind
an enigma ready to reveal as time goes by
they will serve you as confidant
behold when the sky cries out

dear mom,
mother nature brings you closer
to me
for about 9 months within
sorry if my tongue cuts you too deep too often
i know you love me
in your own way
forever grateful and indebted

dear dad,
you are simply you
fussy and hard to please
trust your daughter
she will be what she is now in the next five days
worries shall never devastate your spirit
your wishes
your dreams
this is me who resembles the east

... embrace triumphant heart

so long dearest .... love you mom and dad (words never spoken)

am coming
expect the unexpected)))))))

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