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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Use of Gemini AI as a Translation Tool

4 Oktober 2024   16:45 Diperbarui: 4 Oktober 2024   16:48 45
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Gemini,s AI shortcomings : 

Disadvantages of Google Gemini also has some drawbacks to consider. There are several disadvantages, including limited creativity because it tends to provide ambiguous responses, limited generative abilities, and not citing website sources.

Apart from that, many say that Google Gemini is an AI that is quite biased and inaccurate. This is why Google Gemini is still widely considered before being used by several people and companies.

There are several ways to use Gemini AI, namely: 

*Via the Gemini website

Go to, sign in to your Google account, and enter a question or command in the text box. Gemini AI will process the data and display the results in the form of text, images or other information. 

*Via the Google application

Sign in to your Google account, tap the Gemini tab, and enter the command for the task you want to complete. 

*Via Gmail

Open Gmail, click Ask Gemini in the top right, choose a suggested command, or write your own command. 

*Via the Bard chatbot

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