[caption id="attachment_173918" align="aligncenter" width="313" caption="Batik Factory (1)"][/caption]
Chapter I: An Introduction, please click here
Chapter II: Batik Factory, please click here
Chapter III: Ndalem Sasonomulyo, please click here
Chapter IV: Delikan, please click here
After all participants had been together in front of Kori Kamandungan, the front building of Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat (the palace of Solo or Surakarta) at 8 am, we started to walk to the first destination of Surakarta Prince' Residence names Ndalem Sasonomulyo. We walked to the west side to reach that spot. Before we arrived to Ndalem Sasonomulyo, we dropped for a moment to see the building which used to have the function as batik factory. Batik is the Javanese and Indonesia traditional clothing including in the motive, pattern, and coloring style.
For me, it was worthy to stop at moment in that place. It was like bonus from the main trip of visiting Surakarta Princes' residences. The walls which dominantly do not use wooden constructions indicate that this building has been influenced by European style. I could feel the "splendor" of that factory in the past. Yes, it was easy to predict the greatness of that factory long time ago from its huge building. However, I did not get enough information about the name of the factory, who is the owner, and the reason why the factory was eventually was closed.
Unfortunately, the building now is not being maintained very well. There are many grasses even trees growing around the building that possibly damage the existence of it. Visitors may not see its past beauties because the views or images near the factory also do not support to make the place looks nicer. I mean like there are some unorganized new buildings in front of the factory or someone parks his cart there that may not have correlation with that old building.
There are several photos that I took, those are only photos which were taken in front part of the factory because we could not enter inside. Enjoy! [caption id="attachment_472" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Batik Factory (2)"]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_473" align="aligncenter" width="313" caption="Batik Factory (3)"]

to be continued.....
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