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Sonny Hendrawan Saputra
Sonny Hendrawan Saputra Mohon Tunggu...

Someone who loves the diversity of cultures, enjoys to observe dynamic of politics, and learns from outstanding people with notable achievements. Dreaming of exploring the beauty of world with any uniqueness in any part of it.



Travel Story

Retracing Surakarta Princes’ Residences Chapter IV:Delikan

29 April 2012   09:24 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   05:58 72
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Kids play delikan in pedicab/becak (1)


Chapter I: An Introduction, please click here

Chapter II: Batik Factory, please click here

Chapter III: Ndalem Sasonomulyo, please click here

Chapter IV: Delikan, please click here

During the trip in Ndalem Sasonomulyo, there was an image reminding me about my activity when I was kid. The kids were playing around to do delikan. The spacious hall on Ndalem Sasonomulyo is a really good space for the kids for playing delikan. Delikan is Javanese word mentioning the kids' game which is called in English as "Hide and Seek" or in Bahasa Indonesia it is called as "Petak Umpet". Some other people in several regions in Indonesia also call it differently like "Inglo", "Bon", or "Hong".  Delikan comes from the word ndelik having the meaning as to hide. It is one of the most basic kid games in all over the world including the kids who live in Java. It is very simple to play, at least it needs two people playing. One kid has to close his/her eyes for a moment while his/her friends start to hide. After that, the kid who previously close the eyes has to look for friends hiding. It is very fun and very good medium for kids to socialize each other.

Kids are happily playing in Ndalem Sasonomulyo

In Ndalem Sasonomulyo, the kids were so creative to find the place to hide. They hid behind pillars even on pedicab. They were so funny. What a nice life to be kid!  May we have the sense of cheerfulness like the kids in whatever ages that we have :) to make our life more colorful and happier in any kinds of pressures of life.

Kids play delikan in pedicab/becak (2)

to be continued.....

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